Improving Health Outcomes For The Most Vulnerable in Society

Over two decades of conflict, disasters and under-development have decimated Somalia’s entire canvas. Health issues are rampant among the most vulnerable communities in Somalia. From cholera to maternal health, the need for adequate health care can only be tackled with focused and consistent efforts in improving access to quality health care.

The key issues for children and women remain access to prevention and treatment interventions in the absence of a fully functional health system.

SAF-UK International is committed to fighting to improve healthcare in the worst affected areas of Somalia.

We have been implementing health projects in Lower Juba and Galmudug regions of Somalia for the last 7 years and have had a huge impact in the areas.


Our Work In Pictures

Protecting the Most Vulnerable during the COVID-19 Crisis

In 2020, the impact of COVID-19 was felt on all segments in society, but the impact is particularly strong on
vulnerable people, in precarious rights environments and with limited abilities to cope with the challenging situation.

The humanitarian situation was dire, in part due to a double tragedy of locust infestation and armed conflict affecting the region. There was increased risks due to overcrowding in areas where displaced people sought temporary shelter, contamination of water sources and destruction of sanitation infrastructure.

Thanks to our generous partners , UNICEF, we continued to provide emergency healthcare services to mitigate the effects of the triple threat of COVID-19, locusts and floods in Lower Juba Region and Kaxda Regions of Somalia.